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EVENT on Thursday 13th July 2017: Meet the Funders - Doncaster

Posted by Bianca

SYFAB, in partnership with Doncaster MBC, is holding a FREE event for voluntary and community groups across Doncaster to hear about funding available for their activities:

SYFAB will explain how they can help groups who are looking for funding, and the basics of how to apply

South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation will go through their different grant schemes for local groups, including Community Grants up to £5,000 available anywhere in Doncaster, and the Tween Bridge Fund for groups in the Thorne/Moorends area, also up to £5,000

Social Enterprise Exchange will talk about the support they can offer to social enterprises, including business advice, and access to grants

Big Lottery Fund offers small grants (Awards for All - up to £10,000) and large ones (Reaching Communities – can be hundreds of thousands). They are keen to talk to groups from Doncaster about their project ideas.


Thursday 13th July 2017, 10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: The Mansion House, 45 High Street, Doncaster, DN1 1BN

The first presentation starts promptly at 10.00am. Please arrive from 9.30am to sign in.

You can book a place via the SYFAB Training and Events page here. Upon booking please tell us of any access or support needs.


Click here for full event details